Fall 2019 Undergraduate Courses


Baroque Imperial Spain 17th Century
Diane Bodart
Art History UN2311

Inganno and Engaño: Art and the Rhetoric of Deceit between Spain and Italy
H. Friedman
Art History UN3314

Insular Paleography
Christopher Baswell
English GU4015

Medieval English Texts
David Yerkes
English UN3920

English Translations of the Bible
David Yerkes
English UN3919

Shakespeare I
Lauren Robertson
English UN3335

Heroes, Lovers, and Visionaries: English Literature to 1500
Hannah Weaver
English GU4794

Environmental Crisis on the Shakespearean Stage
Bernadette Myers
English UN3340

Donne, Herbert, Marvell
Molly Murray
English UN3551

Renaissance Women Writers: Gender, Sexuality, Textuality
Biana Calabresi
English UN3806

Epic Fails and New World Dreams: Narratives and Images of the Encounter 1492-1692
Biana Calabresi
English UN3816

Shakespeare I
Peter Platt
English BC3163

Major French Texts I
Laurie Postlewate
French X3021

Women and Writing in Early Modern France
Laurie Postlewate
French X3032

The Scientific Revolution in Western Europe: 1500-1750
Matthew L Jones
History UN2112

Precolonial Mesoamerican Societies and Cultures: ca 1200 BCE- 1600 CE
Adam C Matthews
History UN3032

The Seven Years War
Christopher L Brown
History UN3562

Introduction to the Later Middle Ages
Joel Kaye
History BC1062

Medieval Lyric
Teodolinda Barolini
Italian GU4050 (Lecture in English, texts in Italian)

Out of Italy: The Italian Language Across Europe and the Mediterranean (1200-1700)
Pier Mattia Tommasino

Italian Renaissance Literature and Culture
Jo Ann Cavallo
Italian GU4043 

Nobility and Civility I
Jo Ann Cavallo, Rachel Chung

Africa Before Colonialism: From Pre-History to the Birth of the Atlantic World
Mamadou Diouf
Middle East UN2915

Themes in Islamic Theology: Modern Questions Classical Engagements
Hussein A Abdulsater
Middle East GU4238

Elementary Ottoman Turkish
Ihsan Colak
Middle East GU4921

History of Western Music: Middle Ages to Baroque
Music UN3128


The History of Philosophy I: The Presocratics to Augustine
Dhananjay Jagannathan
Philosophy UN2101

Katja Vogt
Philosophy GU4089

Derek Mancini-Lander
Religion GU4325