MA Program Alumni

2023 Graduates
Ryanne Berry 
Thesis Title: "The 'Noughting' of Julian of Norwich: Negative Poetics and the Progression of the Soul" Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey

Brianna Burdetsky Thesis Title: "The Fifth World: Magic and Landscape in Vidvilt and Wigalois" Faculty Advisor: Isabelle Levy

Isaline Lefrançois Thesis Title: "Revisiting the Beakhead on Anglo-Norman Portals: A New Case for a Scandinavian Origin of the Motif" Faculty Advisor: Gregory Bryda

2022 Graduates
Aleksandr Butovetskiy
Thesis Title: "Controversies in Medieval Historiography: The 'Dualist' 'Cathar' 'Movement'" Faculty Advisor: Euan Cameron

Zihang Chen Thesis Title: "Charlemagne as Imperial Mirror in the Donation of Constantine" Faculty Advisor: Carmela Franklin

Dolan Gallagher Thesis Title: "Women’s Counter-Narratives in Tochmarca: The Potential of Speculative Poetics" Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey

2021 Graduates
Yi Chen Thesis Title: "Survey of Chinese Sources on Christians in the Yuan Dynasty" Faculty Advisor: Adam Kosto

Cleveland Colman Thesis Title: "The Bull's Eye: A Fresh Appraisal of Salvator Noster" Faculty Advisor: Euan Cameron

Catherine Hill Thesis Title: Reconciling Illness and Kingship: A Case Study of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem” Faculty Advisor: Neslihan Senocak

Jessica McCane Thesis Title: An investigation of Witchcraft: Malleus Maleficarum, Accusations, and Trials in German-Speaking Europe, 1484-1628” Faculty Advisor: Martha Howell

Kailey Pire Thesis Title: "Epilogues and Queerness in Shakespeare or how epilogues subvert the classic comedic ending" Faculty Advisor: Alan Stewart

Rio Santisteban-Edwards Thesis Title: “Hig! Hig! Micel gedeorf ys hyt”: The Interplay between Intellectual and Physical Labor in Ælfric" Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey

2020 Graduates
Daniel Mahoney 
Thesis Title: "Siegecraft and Identity in Richard Coer de Lyon" Faculty Advisor: Christopher Baswell

James Messmer Thesis Title: "The Long Shadow of Antiquity: Classical References in the Writing of John of Wales" Faculty Advisor: Neslihan Senocak

2019 Graduates
Chris Buonnano Thesis Title: "This Tymbur is Al Redy Up to Fraem': Domesticity, Courtly Erotics, and Pandarus in the Homes of Troilus and Criseyde"  Faculty Advisor: Christopher Baswell

Emily Gebhardt Thesis Title: "The Crowne of Conqueste':Political Overtones and the Manufacture of Late-Medieval Kingship in a Devotional Manuscript" Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey 

Carmela Leonforte Pilmack Thesis Title: "Interiority in Catherine of Siena and Teresa of Avila" Faculty Advisor: Neslihan Senocak
Published in Studies in Spirituality Journal Number 31

Valerie Wilson Thesis Title "The Reader and the Key of Knowing: A New Study of a Manuscript of the Prick of Conscience" Faculty Advisor: Christopher Baswell

2018 Graduates
Estevan Aleman
Thesis Title: “Going Scythian: Race as Ethnic Mobility in Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine, The Great, parts one and two” Faculty Advisor: Alan Stewart

Emily Gebhardt Thesis Title: “The Crowns of Conqueste”: Political Overtones and the Manufacturing of Late-Medieval English Kingship in a Devotional Manuscript Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey

Sally Simpson Thesis Title: “Affective Cultivation in the Vercelli Book Poems” Faculty Advisor: Patricia Dailey

2017 Graduates
Jason Ray
Thesis Title: “The Provenance of the Old English Genesis A Poem: Identifying Norse-Derived Terms” Faculty Advisor David Yerkes