Princeton Medieval Studies Graduate Conference: “Reclaiming Losses: Recovery, Reconquest, and Restoration in the Middle Ages”

Editor's note:

The conference will be held over Zoom on March 6, 2021 from 10am-4pm with the following theme: “Reclaiming Losses: Recovery, Reconquest, and Restoration in the Middle Ages.”   

March 06, 2021

The conference will begin with a keynote address given by Professor Hussein Fancy, Associate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, entitled: “The Law is an Imposter: Restoring Imperial Authority around the Medieval Mediterranean.” 

The keynote address will be followed by six graduate student papers reflecting a range of historical contexts and disciplinary entry points. Diverse in their subjects, geographies, chronologies, and approaches, these papers share a common objective—to explore the circumstances under which medieval people made claims to past legacies, how they asserted those claims, and what it meant to express them as calls for restitution. 

Javier Albarraìn, RomanIslam: Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies, Universität Hamburg  “Shaping an Islamic ‘Reconquest’: The Loss of Al-Andalus, 11th Century and Beyond” 

Maia Ruth Béar, Department of Medieval Studies, Yale University “Making Things, Making Up for Things, Making Things Up: Female Creativity in a Middle English Romance” 

Camila Marcone, Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University “From Battleground to Hunting Ground: Recreational Spaces and ‘Reconquista’ in Alfonso XI’s Libro de la monteriìa” 

Michael J. Sanders, Fordham University “1492, the End of the ‘Reconquest?’: Ferdinand II, Martín García, and the Iter per Hispaniam to Jerusalem”  

Bailey Sullivan, University of Michigan “‘The statue I came to see is not here anymore’: The Restoration of Notre-Dame du Pilier at Chartres Cathedral” 

Kevin Vogelaar, Affiliated Scholar, Tufts University “The Medieval Armenian Foundation Rite and the Construction of Loss” 

Please click on the following link to register for the conference: 

A detailed conference schedule is outlined in the attached flyer. More information about the event, including paper abstracts, can be found by visiting the conference website at