Folger Shakespeare Library’s 2020-2021 Critical Race Conversations

Editor's note:

Thursday July 16, 3-4:30PM EST—live via the Folger’s YouTube channel

July 16, 2020

 Folger Shakespeare Library’s new 2020-2021 Critical Race Conversations series 

On Thursday July 16, 3-4:30PM EST—live via the Folger’s YouTube channel—Jenny Stoever (Binghamton) and David Sterling Brown will lead: “Critical Race Conversations: The Sound of Whiteness, or Teaching Shakespeare’s ‘Other Race Plays’ in Five Acts.” You can read our event description, and learn more about this Folger initiative, here:



Folger Shakespeare Library’s new 2020-2021 Critical Race Conversations series, which launches in July and will feature two free events aimed at addressing how college faculty can and should integrate critical race studies into their Shakespeare and early modern literature classrooms in order to build more inclusive syllabi and more equitable and anti-racist learning environments. While geared toward Shakespeareans, this event will likely be of use for all who are preparing to teach in this unprecedented climate of mass social protest, persistent racism and pervasive anti-black violence.