11th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on the Medieval North

December 01, 2021

We invite submissions to the 11th Háskóli Íslands Student Conference on  the Medieval North, which will take place at the University of Iceland and  online, on April 7–9, 2022. 

This student-organized three-day event is intended as an interdisciplinary  forum for postgraduate students (MA- and PhD-level) of Old Norse. Students  who have not given papers at an academic conference before are especially  encouraged to submit. 

As the world is slowly emerging from the pandemic, graduate students  and Early Career Researchers have found new ways to conduct and present  their research, to form new networks and friendships. To reflect these  changes, we are delighted to announce that the conference will be held with  the theme “New Beginnings”.  

Ours is a vibrantly international conference attended by speakers from  many different countries, and we are open for any independent research  related to the Medieval North (broadly defined). 

Topics of interest may include but are not limited to: 

• Changing tastes in literature, text transmission, translations, reworkings  and reception 

• New currents in text, codices, book-making, and art 

• Linguistic innovation, language change, new writing systems • Digital humanities, editing, translation 

• Technological advances 

• Christianisation, developments in religious practices 

• Settlement, migration, and social change 

• Understudied figures and groups, gender and queer studies • Innovative interaction with Old Norse material in post-medieval literature  and modern media 

• New methods and emerging fields of study 

Submission Guidelines 

If you wish to present a paper or poster at the conference, please e-mail an  abstract of 250–300 words, alongside a brief biography containing your name,  pronouns, institution, and program of study, to <histudentconference@gmail. com> by December 1, 2021. Please state within the same document whether  you intend to attend the conference online or in person. The committee  reserves the right to make selections based on quality of written abstracts,  adherence to submission guidelines (see conference blog, link below), and  timely submissions of abstracts. 

The languages of the conference are Icelandic and English. Individual  paper presentations will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes  for discussion. There is also a Poster Session for students to present their  material in poster form. Students may apply for either a paper or a poster;  the conference committee may offer a poster presentation to some paper  applicants. Further information can be found on the conference blog at  <histudentconference.wordpress.com>. Please direct any further inquiries to  the student conference committee via e-mail (see above).