For more than fifty years the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library [HMML], based in Minnesota, has been engaged in the work of photographically preserving manuscripts around the globe. HMML and its international partners have photographed more than 227,000 ancient, medieval and early modern manuscripts, and metadata on 40,000 of these is available on vHMML – or ‘virtual’ HMML – the library’s digital platform for manuscript studies. houses manuscripts written in 43 languages from more than 228 distinct libraries located in 26 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. The platform also has tutorial components for paleography [Latin, Syriac, Arabic] and digital humanities tools for manuscript studies. Dr. Moreton will present an overview of HMML’s global digitization projects, and a give a tutorial on Feel free to bring your computers and devices!
Dr. Melissa Moreton is a scholar of medieval and early modern manuscripts and works at the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, furthering the library’s mission of the global preservation of endangered manuscripts, digital humanities leadership, scholarly and public outreach.