
Past Event

Society of Fellows Lecture: Eli Cumings (Columbia University)

September 19, 2024
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
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The Heyman Center, 2nd Floor Common Room

Owing to the current Campus Access Level, all prospective attendees must register by 4PM on September 18. Registration will automatically close at that time.

On "Black Monsters": Providence, Allegory, and Race-making

Lecture by Eli Cumings
Chaired by Eleanor B. Johnson

This lecture introduces a persistent and pernicious line of thought in the textual culture of Reformation England, whereby black Africans were constituted as legible signs (and explicitly 'monsters') created for the admonition of white Christian observers. By examining the tenuous justifications for and practical applications of this designation, the lecture delineates the mechanics of one form of early modern race-making, as well as articulating the centrality of theology (and, in particular, providence) to thinking about human difference in the period.