
Past Event

James Bromley on Style and Queer Worldmaking in Early Modern Literature

March 9, 2018
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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Columbia University Faculty House

The Columbia University Shakespeare Seminar's next meeting will be March 9th. James Bromley (Miami University of Ohio) will discuss "Clothing the Sinews of the City's Mystic Body: Style and Queer Worldmaking in Early Modern Literature."


The event will be held in Faculty House, 64 Morningside Drive. As usual, social hour will be from 5-6, dinner 6-7, and the talk 7-8:30. The cost for dinner, payable by check only, is $30.  When you RSVP please indicate whether or not you plan to come to dinner (by Tuesday February 27).

Most early modern literary representations of men in extravagant apparel are satiric in tone. Yet if satirists are to expose their targets to their humiliating gaze, they do so by taking pains to represent the desires of and the desirability of the sartorially extravagant man. In so doing, they offer their readers a view of how the world might be reimagined that competes with their own satiric aims. Drawing on John Donne’s “Satire 1,” civic pageantry, and early modern portraiture, my talk explores how we might recuperate the utopian fantasies about queer modes of masculinity, sociability, and eroticism that attend upon early modern sartorial extravagance.