Fall 2018 Graduate Courses
Courses accepted for credit toward the MA degree in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
History of the Medieval Book: Manuscripts as Material Culture
Alison Beach
Medieval and Renaissance Studies GU4021
For MA Students Only:
Medieval & Renaissance Philology
Adam Kosto
Medieval and Renaissance Studies GR6021 001 (3 pts) 002 (4 pts)
Directed Individual Readings
Adam Kosto
Medieval and Renaissance Studies GR6990 001 (3 pts) 002 (4 pts)
MA Thesis
Adam Kosto
Medieval and Renaissance Studies GR6999 001 (Thesis I) 002 (Thesis II)
Medieval Art I: Late Antiquity to Byzantium
Holger Klein
Art History GU4021
Tintoretto: 500 Years
Diane Bodart
Art History GU4531
Latin Paleography
Carmela Franklin
Latin GR6154
Classics and Early Print
Joseph Howley
Latin GR8012
East/West Frametale Narratives
Patricia Grieve
Comparative Literature and Society GR6333
Society of Choson Korea
Jungwon Kim
History: East Asian GU4860
Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors
Robert Hymes
History: East Asian GU4881
Graduate Seminar in Pre-Modern Literature
Robert Hymes
Japanese GR8040
Topics in the Middle Period of Chinese History
Robert Hymes
History: East Asian GR8883
Tudor-Stuart Drama
Lauren Robertson
English GU4702
Writing the Nation: Ethnicity and Identity in Early Medieval England
Jay Gates
English GU4789
English Translations of the Bible
Davide Yerkes
English GU4793
Troilus and Criseyde
Christopher Baswell
English GR6109
Freedom and Consent in Early Modern England
Molly Murray
English GR6412
Forms of New World Narrative
Cristobal Silva
English GR6614
Roman World in Late Antiquity
Giovanni Ruffini
History GU4010
Manuscripts of the Muslim World
Tunc Sen
History GU4743
The Persian Empire
Marc van de Mieroop and John Ma
History GR6999
Censorship and Freedom of Expression in Early Modern Europe
Elisheva Carlebach
History GR6999 [=UN3120]
The Jewish Book in the Early Modern World
Elisheva Carlebach
History GR8132
Historiography of Colonial Latin America
Caterina Pizzigoni
History GR8663
Craft and Science in the Early Modern World
Pamela Smith
History GR8906
Dante's Divina Commedia I
Teodolinda Barolini
Italian GU4091 001 (Italian)
Italian GU4091 002 (English)
That Medieval Iberian Thing
Jesús R. Velasco
Spanish GR6009
Seminar in Historical Musicology: The Renaissance
Giuseppe Gerbino
Music GR8104
Theories of Transmission and Community Formation
Elizabeth Castelli
Religion GR9330